Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How to Prevent Malware From Infecting Your Computer


What is malware?

Malware, or “malicious software,” is an umbrella term that describes any malicious program or code that is harmful to systems.

 Here are 10 tips on how to prevent malware from infecting your computer, keeping your hardware safe.

1. Install Anti-Virus/Malware Software.

This tip may go without saying, and I almost just casually mentioned it in my opening paragraph. However, I have seen many computers—especially home computers—that don’t have anti-virus/malware protection. This protection is a must-have first step in keeping you computer virus free.

2. Keep Your Anti-Virus Software Up to Date.

Having protection software is the first step; maintaining it is the second. Free anti-virus software is better than nothing, but keep in mind that it’s not the best solution. Microsoft does provide a security package for “free.” It’s free in that if you have Windows on your machine, you are granted access, but you did pay for your Windows license. Many users aren’t aware of this program, but it’s actually decent protection.

3. Run Regularly Scheduled Scans with Your Anti-Virus Software.

This too may seem like a no-brainer, but many of us forget to do this. Set up your software of choice to run at regular intervals. Once a week is preferred, but do not wait much longer between scans. It’s difficult to work on your computer while your anti-virus software is running. One solution is to run the software at night when you aren’t using your computer. However, we often turn off our computers at night, and so the scan never runs. Set your anti-virus software to run on a specific night, and always leave your computer running on that day. Make sure it doesn’t shut off automatically or go into hibernation mode.

4. Keep Your Operating System Current.

Whether you are running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or any other OS, keep it up to date. OS developers are always issuing security patches that fix and plug security leaks. These patches will help to keep your system secure. Similarly, keep your anti-virus software up to date. Viruses and malware are created all the time. Your scanning software is only as good as its database. It too must be as up to date as possible.

5. Secure Your Network.

Many of our computers connect to our files, printers, or the Internet via a Wi-Fi connection. Make sure it requires a password to access it and that the password is strong. Never broadcast an open Wi-Fi connection. Use WPA or WPA2 encryption. WEP is no longer strong enough as it can be bypassed in minutes by experts. It’s also a great idea to not broadcast your SSID (the name of your Wi-Fi network). You can still access it with your device, you will just have to manually type in the SSID and the password. If you frequently have guests who use your Internet, provide a guest SSID that uses a different password, just in case your friends are evil hackers.

6. Think Before You Click.

Avoid websites that provide pirated material. Do not open an email attachment from somebody or a company that you do not know. Do not click on a link in an unsolicited email. Always hover over a link (especially one with a URL shortener) before you click to see where the link is really taking you. If you have to download a file from the Internet, an email, an FTP site, a file-sharing service, etc., scan it before you run it. A good anti-virus software will do that automatically, but make sure it is being done.

7. Keep Your Personal Information Safe.

This is likely the most difficult thing to do on the Internet. Many hackers will access your files not by brute force, but through social engineering. They will get enough of your information to gain access to your online accounts and will glean more of your personal data. They will continue from account to account until they have enough of your info that they can access your banking data or just steal your identity altogether. Be cautious on message boards and social media. Lock down all of your privacy settings, and avoid using your real name or identity on discussion boards.

8. Don’t Use Open Wi-Fi.

When you are at the local coffee shop, library, and especially the airport, don’t use the “free” open (non-password, non-encrypted) Wi-Fi. Think about it. If you can access it with no issues, what can a trained malicious individual do?

9. Back Up Your Files.

The best thing you can do is back up your files—all of them. Ideally you will have your files (your data) in at least three places: the place where you work on them, on a separate storage device, and off-site. Keep your files on your computer, back them up to an external hard drive, then back them up in a different location. You can use a backup service or simply get two external hard drives and keep one at work, at a friend’s house, at a family member’s house, or in a safe deposit box.

10. Use Multiple Strong Passwords.

Never use the same password, especially on your bank account. Typically, we use the same email address or username for all of our accounts. Those are easy to see and steal. If you use the same password for everything, or on many things, and it is discovered, then it takes only seconds to hack your account. Use a strong password. Use lower case, upper case, numbers, and symbols in your password. Keep it easy to remember but difficult to guess. Do not use dates or pet names.

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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quick Ways to Speed Up a Slow PC Running Windows 7, 8, or 10 

                    Image result for slow computer
Windows PCs don’t have to slow down over time. Whether your PC has gradually become slower or it suddenly ground to a halt a few minutes ago, there could be quite a few reasons for that slowness.
As with all PC issues, don’t be afraid to give your computer a reboot if something’s not working properly. This can fix quite a few problems and is faster than attempting to manually troubleshoot and fix the problem yourself.
Find Resource-Hungry Programs
Your PC is running slow because something is using up those resources. If it’s suddenly running slower, a runaway process might be using 99% of your CPU resources, for example. Or, an application might be experiencing a memory leak and using a large amount of memory, causing your PC to swap to disk. Alternately, an application might be using the disk a lot, causing other applications to slow down when they need to load data from or save it to the disk.
To find out, open the Task Manager. You can right-click your taskbar and select the “Task Manager” option or press Ctrl+Shift+Escape to open it. On Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, the new Task Manager provides an upgraded interface that color-codes applications using a lot of resources. Click the “CPU,” “Memory,” and “Disk” headers to sort the list by the applications using the most resources. If any application is using too much resources, you might want to close it normally — if you can’t, select it here and click “End Task” to force it to close.

Close System Tray Programs
Many applications tend to run in the system tray, or notification area. These applications often launch at startup and stay running in the background but remain hidden behind the up arrow icon at the bottom-right corner of your screen. Click the up arrow icon near the system tray, right-click any applications you don’t need running in the background, and close them to free up resources.

Disable Startup Programs
RELATED: How to Make Your Windows 10 PC Boot Faster
Better yet, prevent those applications from launching at startup to save memory and CPU cycles, as well as speed up the login process.
On Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, there’s now a startup manager in the Task Manager you can use to manage your startup programs. Right-click the taskbar and select “Task Manager” or press Ctrl+Shift+Escape to launch it. Click over to the Startup tab and disable startup applications you don’t need. Windows will helpfully tell you which applications slow down your startup process the most.

Reduce Animations
RELATED: Speed Up Any PC, Smartphone, or Tablet By Disabling Animations
Windows uses quite a few animations, and those animations can make your PC seem a bit slower. For example, Windows can minimize and maximize windows instantly if you disable the associated animations.
To disable animations, press Windows Key + X or right-click the Start button and select “System.” Click “Advanced System Settings” on the left and click the “Settings” button under Performance. Choose “Adjust for best performance” under Visual Effects to disable all the animations, or select “Custom” and disable the individual animations you don’t want to see. For example, uncheck “Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing” to disable the minimize and maximize animations.

Lighten Your Web Browser
RELATED: How to Enable Click-to-Play Plugins in Every Web Browser
There’s a good chance you use your web browser a lot, so your web browser may just be a bit slow. It’s a good idea to use as few browser extensions, or add-ons, as possible — those slow down your web browser and cause it to use more memory.
Go into your web browser’s Extensions or Add-ons manager and remove add-ons you don’t need. You should also consider enabling click-to-play plug-ins. Preventing Flash and other content from loading will prevent unimportant Flash content from using CPU time.

Scan for Malware and Adware
RELATED: What’s the Best Antivirus for Windows 10? (Is Windows Defender Good Enough?)
There’s also a chance your computer is slow because malicious software is slowing it down and running in the background. This may not be flat-out malware — it may be software that interferes with your web browsing to track it and add additional advertisements, for example.
To be extra safe, scan your computer with an antivirus program. You should also scan it with Malwarebytes, which catches a lot of “potentially unwanted programs” (PUPs) that most antivirus programs tend to ignore. These programs try to sneak onto your computer when you install other software, and you almost certainly don’t want them.

Free Up Disk Space
RELATED: 7 Ways To Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows
If your hard drive is almost completely full, your computer may run noticeably slower. You want to leave your computer some room to work on your hard drive. Follow our guide to freeing up space on your Windows PC to free up room. You don’t need any third-party software — just running the Disk Cleanup tool included in Windows can help quite a bit.

Defragment Your Hard Disk
RELATED: Do I Really Need to Defrag My PC?
Defragmenting your hard disk actually shouldn’t be necessary on modern versions of Windows. It’ll automatically defragment mechanical hard drives in the background. Solid-state drives don’t really need traditional defragmentation, although modern versions of Windows will “optimize” them — and that’s fine.
You shouldn’t worry about de fragmentation most of the time. However, if you do have a mechanical hard drive and you’ve just put a lot of files on the drive — for example, copying a huge database or gigabytes of PC game files — those files might be de-fragmented because Windows hasn’t gotten around to de-fragmenting them yet. In this situation, you might want to open the disk de-fragmenter tool and perform a scan to see if you need to run a manual defrag program.

Uninstall Programs You Don’t Use
Open the Control Panel, find the list of installed programs, and uninstall programs you don’t use and don’t need from your PC. This can help speed your PC up, as those programs might include background processes, auto start entries, system services, context menu entries, and other things that can slow down your PC. It’ll also save room on your hard drive and improve system security — for example, you definitely shouldn’t have Java installed if you’re not using it.

Reset Your PC / Reinstall Windows
RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About “Reset This PC” in Windows 8 and 10
If the other tips here didn’t fix your problem, the one timeless solution to fix Windows problems — aside from rebooting your PC, of course — is getting a fresh Windows installation.
On modern versions of Windows — that is, Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 — it’s easier to get a fresh Windows installation than ever. You don’t have to get Windows installation media and reinstall Windows. Instead, you can simply use the “Reset your PC” feature built into Windows to get a new, fresh Windows system. This is similar to reinstalling Windows and will wipe your installed programs and system settings while keeping your files.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019



Kwanza kabisa kabla hujagundua tatizo ama kuanza matengenezo ni lazima uwe unajua Kompyuta ina sehemu mbili ambazo ni Hardware (vifaa vinavyoshikika) na  Sotware(vifaa visivyoshikika).Kwa hiyo tatizo linaweza kuwa katika upande wa Software au Hardware.

Kuna hatua kama sita unazopaswa kuzifuata ili kujua na kutatua tatizo linaloikabili kompyuta yako:
1. Ligundue tatizo. hatua ya kwanza unayopaswa kufanya kama wewe ni IT technician ni kugundua tatizo la kompyuta yako kabla hujaanza matengenezo.Kwa mfano kompyuta yako ikiwaka haioneshi chochote kwenye kioo.Kwa hiyo hapo tatizo ni kwamba haioneshi chochote kwenye kioo.
2. Pata Maelezo kutoka kwa mtumiaji wa Mwisho. Hii inakusaidia kuweza kukufanya wewe uweze kuzalisha majibu mbalimbali yanayoweza kuwa yamesababisha hilo tatizo. Kwa mfano mtumiaji anaweza kukuambia hivi"nilikuwa natumia kompyuta mara nikasikia Paa kisha nikaona moshi unatoka kwa nyuma"
3. Zalisha Njia Mbalimbali(majibu) zitakazokusaidia kutatua tatizo. Katika uzalishaji wa majibu hayo unapaswa kutumia uzoefu, utaalamu ulionao pamoja na njia mbalimbali ambazo wewe kama expert unazijua.Kama kompyuta imegawanyika katika sehemu mbili hivyo hata tatizo linapotokea ni lazima litokane na upande mmoja wapo.Hivyo IT technician anatakiwa ajue matumizi ya kifaa kimojamoja cha kompyuta.
4.  Anza Matengenezo kutoka hatua moja hadi nyingine. Hapa ndipo unapoanza kufanya matengenezo ukiwa na kifaa husika ambacho unahisi kina tatizo na unataka kukibadilisha.

Unatakiwa uanze kutatua na tatizo ambalo unahisi ni dogo kabla ya kuelekea kwenye hatua kubwa na kama unahisi kuna matatizo kama manne yanayoweza kuwa yamesababisha hilo tatizo unashauriwa kufanya kitu kimojakimoja na usifanye vyote kwa wakati mmoja.

Unashauriwa kuhamisha data za muhimu kabla ya kufanya utatuzi wa tatizo kwa sababu zinaweza kupotea
5.  Je tatizo limetatuliwa? Kama jibu limetatuliwa unarudi katika hatua ya 3 ukianza na hatua nyingine mbadala kati ya zile ulizokuwa umependekeza. Ila kama tatizo limetatuliwa na kompyuta yako imerudi katika hatua yake ya kwaida una-andika sehemu kwa ajili ya kumbukumbu.
6.  Weka kumbukumbu. Pale Technician unapokuwa umefanikiwa kutatua tatizo unashauriwa kuchapa(kuandika) hatua ulizopitia kwa ajili ya msaada wa baadae endapo utakutana na tatizo kama hilo kwa sababu matatizo ya kompyuta mara nyingi yanafanana.
                 video ikionyesha hatua za kutatua matatizo hayo
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Friday, March 22, 2019


Msomi mmoja kutoka Ufaransa aliyekuwa anaitwa Pascal, alianzisha chombo cha kufanyia hesabu, ambacho alikitengeneza kwa ajili ya kumsaidia baba yake katika kazi za hesabu, lakini hakikuwa na sifa bora kama ilivyotakiwa. Kisha baada ya hapo kiliendelezwa na msomi mwengine kutoka Ujerumani, ambaye alijulikana kwa jina la Lebnitz na kuzidishwa ubora zaidi, kikawa kinafanya kazi zote za hesabu, kama vile kujumlisha, kutoa, kugawanya na kuzidisha, badala ya kufanya kazi za kuzidisha na kugawanya tu. Kisha msomi mwengine kutoka Uingereza alikuja kuanzisha chombo chengine cha hesabu, ambacho kilikuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kuhifadhi vitu. Chombo hicho kilikuwa na sehemu kuu tatu, ambazo sehemu ya kwanza ilikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kuhifadhia kumbukumbu, sehemu ya pili ilikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kufanyia hesabu, na sehemu ya tatu na ya mwisho ilikuwa ni kwa ajili ya kuchapishia. Pascaline first Calculator


Kipindi cha mwaka 1944 kinajulikana kuwa ni mwanzo wa kudhihiri kompyuta. Kompyuta katika kipindi hicho ilikuwa ina sura tofauti na hivi sasa, kwani ilikuwa ni kubwa mfano wa chumba, na ilikuwa inatumika kwa ajili ya kufanyia hesabu tu, na ilikuwa inajulikana kwa jina la (ENIAC) Electronic Numerical and Calculation. Na mwisho wa mwaka 1951 ilianzishwa kompyuta nyingine ambayo ilikuwa inaitwa Unifac, na ilitengenezwa kwa ajili ya kufanyia biashara, na ilikuwa ni chombo pekee ambacho kilikuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kuhifadhi vitu.


Kipindi cha mwaka 1958 kilifanikiwa kuendeleza chombo cha kompyuta, ambapo kilianzishwa chombo kinachoitwa Transistor, ambacho kiliwezesha kutengeneza kompyuta yenye umbo dogo baada ya kuwa na umbo kubwa mfano wa chumba. Vile vile chombo cha Transistor kiliwasaidia watumiaji wa kompyuta kipindi hicho kuepukana na joto kali lililokuwa linatoka kwenye kompyuta hiyo na kufanya kazi kwa ufanisi zaidi. Na mwanzo wa miaka ya sitini shirika la IBM lilianzisha chombo chengine cha kompyuta ambacho kilikuwa na maendeleo zaidi katika kipindi hicho.


Kipindi hichi kilileta maendeleo makubwa sana katika kompyuta, ambapo chombo cha kompyuta kilitengenezwa kwa kutumia (Integrated Circuits) chombo hicho kilichukua nafasi ya Transistor. Na pamoja na maendeleo makubwa kutokea mwaka 1972 shirika la Intel lilifanikiwa kutengeneza Processor ndogo ambayo ilibadilisha sura nzima ya kompyuta katika umbo dogo sana (Mini Computer). Na hiyo ilikuwa ni sifa pekee ya mabadiliko makubwa ya kompyuta, na katika kipindi cha mwaka 1975 shirika la IBM lilianzisha kompyuta ya kutumiya mtu mmoja (Personal Computer), vile vile katika kipindi hicho zilianzishwa programu za kuendeshea vifaa vya kompyuta, na miongoni mwa programu hizo ilikuwepo programu ya (Dos) Disk Operating System, Application Programs, na programu za kutengeneza picha (Graphics).


Kitu kinachosifika sana katika kipindi hichi ni kudhihiri kwa programu za Windozi na kuwa kama ni mazingira pekee ya kuendeshea kompyuta, na inajulikana wazi kwamba windozi ni kiini cha uendeshaji katika kazi za kompyuta, na imeitwa windozi kwa sababu unaweza kuitumia kufanyia kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja kwenye madilisha tofauti, kwa mfano pale mtumiaji anapokuwa anasubiri windozi moja ifunguke anaweza kuwa anasoma au kufanya kazi nyingine kwenye windozi nyingine pia.. Na windozi ya kwanza kudhihiri ilikuwa ni Windows 95, 98, 2000, Millennium kisha Windows XP, vili vile zilianzishwa programu maalumu kutoka kwenye shirika la Microsoft, kama vile Microsoft Office 97, Microsoft Office 2000 na Microsoft Office 2003, ambazo ambazo zinakusanya ndani yake Microsoft Word, Excel, Access na Power Point, pia zinajulikana kwa jina la application programs. Kisha kiliendelezwa kifaa cha Processor kutoka Pentium kwenda Pentium 2, Pentium 3 na Pentium 4, pamoja na kuzidi uwepesi wa kufikia vitu mpaka Giga Byte 2. Pia ilizidishwa nafasi ya kuhifadhia data ndani ya Hard disk kiasi cha kufikia Giga Byte 300, na kufikia nafasi ya Ram zaidi ya Mega Byte 512

Maintain your PC

         COMPUTER MAINTENANCE                                    Computer maintenance is the practice of keeping computers in a goo...